Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Rindu untuk kembali

Author: Angel Joy

Why can't I speak when I have so much to tell?
Why can't I write when I have so much in mind?
Why can't I sing when there's music in my heart?
Why can't I dance when there's rythm in the air?

Too many words left unspoken
Too many things left undone
Why can't it be and why can't I? 
For all I know this pain deep inside
Took the gladness from my heart.

Is this the pain of missing you?
Is this the reason behind it all?

Hear the agony of my heart
Longing for you and for your touch
Feeling your lips, feeling your face
Missing your kisses and warm embrace.

When will the waiting ever be over?
For as long as were apart I can never be whole
Oh! My Dearest Love
I just want you to know 
That my heart is aching because

Today and Everyday

If I could be so honest
For just a minute or two
I have something special
I’d like to share with you

I want to let you know
Right from my very heart
How much I am thankful
For the wonderful friend you are

You’re always there when I need
A little cheering up
Or maybe just a smile
Or a friendly hug

So, I just wanted to say
In the most sincere way
Thank you for being my friend
Today and everyday

A Place For You

If I could take you to one place, Elizabeth,
to one very special place,
I would take you to my heart.

You would sweep through it, like fresh rain.
Swirling across my landscape.
Drenching on my soul.
Blossoming hope, in my wounded places.

And, in return, I would fashion a world there, for you.
A space where you could sit, quietly.
A place where you could laugh, uncontrollably.
A moment when you could love, unreservedly.

In my heart, you would rest.
Wrapped in my spirit.
Warmed by my heat.
Riding at the very center of me.

I have learned much of love.
And much that I have learned is hard.
But I have not let it harden my heart.
There is a place there, for you.

- Tim Gibson -

You make me happy
You fill my world with hope
You’ve changed my life
In ways you’ll never know

You have a special way
Of making me feel
More valuable than I believe I am
Your soft and gentle smile
Speaks to my heart
As if you truly understand

When something is on my mind
Or weighs heavy on my heart
You always seem to know
What I want to say
Before I ever start

When I just need to talk
To sort through my emotions
Or to clarify my thoughts
You listen with ease and devotion
And I no longer feel distraught

I’m so lucky to have you in my life
Every day that you’re with me
Is another day that I’m thankful
And so incredibly happy

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, 
And sorry I could not travel both 
And be one traveler, long I stood 
And looked down one as far as I could 
To where it bent in the undergrowth; 

Then took the other, as just as fair, 
And having perhaps the better claim 
Because it was grassy and wanted wear, 
Though as for that the passing there 
Had worn them really about the same, 

And both that morning equally lay 
In leaves no step had trodden black. 
Oh, I kept the first for another day! 
Yet knowing how way leads on to way 
I doubted if I should ever come back. 

I shall be telling this with a sigh 
Somewhere ages and ages hence: 
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, 
I took the one less traveled by, 
And that has made all the difference.

by Robert Frost

Our lives are so busy and sometimes we live so far from our families. We miss the relationships with our families and often we do not even share important life events with them. We need to move back towards our families. If not in actual distance then at least we must move closer in our hearts. We live in a time where there are unprecedented communication possibilities. No one will ever love us unconditionally like our family can. We'd be fools not to take advantage to this opportunity.

How to know when girl likes you?

What kind of hints or signs do they give? While some guys will analyze a girl's text message or offhand remark to death, in reality girls are not that hard to figure out if you stay calm and just remember to be yourself. All you have to do is see how she acts and watch her behavior when she's around you. When she shows you any of the following signs she most likely wants you to ask her out.

1) She sneaks looks at you, smiles a lot, and seems overly excited to see you

One sign a girl is interested in you is when she keeps sneaking looks at you. She wants to look at you, but doesn't want you to know it. Do you catch her looking at you? Does she sometimes look away when caught? Those are pretty good indications that she wants you to notice her. Constantly looking at you is a way of telling you she's attracted to - or at least interested in - you.

Also, If she is quick to say "Hi" and "How are you?" when you first see her, then there's a strong chance she likes you. Remember her actions and body language will communicate more than her words. Girls will do many things to be noticed by you even if they're too shy to speak to you, so be sure to keep an eye out.

2) She enjoys speaking to you, listens attentively, and asks lots of questions

If she seems to enjoy talking to you, there is a good chance she likes you. This is especially true if she asks you lots of questions about your personal life such as what you like, what you do in your free time, and if you are going out anywhere over the weekend.

A girl who is interested will show interest in your personal life simply because she wants you to know she finds your life interesting and would like to be a part of it. If a girl is shy, she may not approach you very often and, when she does, she may react by going red in the face or hiding her face. Sometimes shy girls will go a whole day without speaking to you.

3) She suddenly starts wearing makeup, dressing differently, or wearing her hair differently around you

If you notice a girl suddenly starts dressing up, or wearing more makeup or lip gloss, or doing her hair to look straight and shiny, then there's a good chance she wants you to notice her. Of course, some girls may just want to look good. But you should consider whether she's dressing up to impress you. If she plays with her hair a lot around you, then you could be the reason for these sudden changes. Girls will often unconsciously play with their hair when they're around a guy they like. If she does feel something for you, she'll want to look her best in front of you.

4) She teases you and/or touches you

A girl may tease you by calling you names or playfully hitting you. If she does this in a playful manner, that's a good sign she likes you, since it's common for girls to banter with and get into the personal space of guys they like.

You might think that a girl who teases you or is mean to you doesn't like you. But I can tell you from personal experience it's often the opposite! She may just be trying to get attention because she feels rejected by you or because she wants to hide her true feelings.

5) She hangs out with you more than her friends, likes the things you like, and keeps bumping into you

It is likely a girl will try to hang out in places she knows you'll be so that she'll have the opportunity to run into you and speak with you. She may pretend that she just happened to be there for some unrelated reason.

If she spends a lot of her time with you over her friends, that is another big sign. Girls consider their friends a big part of their life, so if she breaks away from to spend more time with you, then she must like you a lot. She may also ask if you want to go get coffee or do homework together. That doesn't happen often but it's a big clue that she wants be spend time alone with you which is her best chance to get your attentio

Saat dirimu menjadi tua

Ketika Anda menjadi tua dan rambutmu tampak mulai berwarna abu-abu keputihan dan kamu lebih banyak untuk tidur,
Kamu selalu mengangguk memahami hidup ini, lalu kamu mengambil sebuah buku,
Dan kemudian kamu perlahan-lahan membaca buku itu, dengan suara yang lembut
Mata mu begitu sabar dan sangat antusias mengikuti cerita dalam buku itu, dan kamu membayangkan seolah buku itu tergambar di depanmu;

Rasa cintamu tampak dari setiap seyum yang tersirat,
Dan atas  kecantikan wajahmu dimasa lalu itu hingga kamu bertanya apakah semua itu sebuah cinta palsu atau cinta sejati,
Walau kamu tahu siapa seseorang yang sudah menghabiskan waktu bersamamu penuh dengan kasih sayang,
Dan seketika wajahmu berubah karena kamu tahu jawabnya;

Dan kamu duduk sendiri membungkuk di samping taman dengan pandangan penuh kenangan indah,
Terkadang kamu menggerutu halus, merasakan sedikit sedih, bagaimana Cinta mu dulu meninggalkanmu
Dan kamu mencarinya kesemua sudut,
Hingga kamu malu tersenyum simpul dibalik cahaya lampu taman.

Tiga fase terpenting akan hidup yang isinya akan menceritakan bagaimana akhirnya perjalanan hidup kita nanti.
Dan saat-saat terindah adalah sebuah momen yang setiap manusia akan merasakannya sebagai bagian dari cintanya.
Semakin banyak cobaan semakin kuat cinta mereka yang tulus. Kekuatannya ada pada mereka yang benar-benar merasakannya sehingga ketika Dunia menghempaskan mereka tidak akan sanggup dihancurkan justru kepedihan, kesulitan menjadi kenikmatan yang berujung pada ketabahan dan senyuman walau berujung dengan air mata.
Ujian demi ujian dalam langkah hidup ini, namun tidaklah membuat takut sebab ada 3 pendamping mereka, dirimu, dia dan Tuhan.
Mengingat hal-hal yang paling berharga dan tidak ada yang bisa diungkapkan dengan kata-kata merupakan hadiah terbesar seseorang untuk dikenang selamanya. 
Sesuatu yang baik dan indah datang dari ketulusan dan cinta yang luar biasa.
Tidak perlu kata-kata lagi. 

Karakter Wanita berdasarkan cara berpakaian

Untuk mengetahui suasana hati seorang wanita, Anda bisa menebaknya melalui cara berpakaian mereka. Penelitian terbaru menunjukkan bahwa saat sedang tertekan atau stres, wanita lebih senang menggunakan celana jeans.

Penelitian dilakukan oleh Profesor Karen Pine dari University of Hertfordshire terhadap 100 wanita berusia 21-64 tahun melalui cara berpakaiannya.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 51 persen wanita memilih mengenakan celana jeans saat merasa sedih dan stres. Tak hanya itu, dalam kondisi mood yang buruk, peneliti juga menemukan sebagian besar wanita cenderung memakai atasan longgar. Hampir 6 dari 10 wanita mengatakan mereka memakai atasan longgar saat tertekan.

Sebaliknya hanya dua persen yang memakainya saat merasa bahagia. Sekitar 62 persen wanita mengaku 10 kali lebih mungkin mengenakan gaun kesayangannya ketika merasa senang daripada ketika stres. 

Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa saat merasa bahagia, wanita dua kali lebih mungkin untuk menggunakan topi atau aksesoris di kepala dan akan 5 kali lipat menggunakan sepatu favoritnya, dibandingkan saat sedang tertekan.

Peneliti menduga bahwa saat wanita mengalami stres, mereka seringkali kehilangan selera terhadap penampilan dan tak ingin menonjol.

"Celana jeans terlihat tidak menarik bagi sebagian orang. Seringkali jeans kurang pas dalam bentuk dan ukuran pemakainya. Pakaian ini menandakan bahwa pemakainya tak terganggu dengan penampilan mereka," papar Karen Pine dari Universitas Hertfordshire.

Anda Wanita adalah apa yang Anda kenakan. Ungkapan itu menggambarkan pakaian tak sekedar berfungsi sebagai penutup tubuh atau mempercantik penampilan. Pakaian juga dapat berbicara mengenai kepribadian sang pemakai. Kenali kepribadian seorang wanita dari cara berpakaiannya seperti berikut:

-Wanita sportif itu natural-
Wanita dengan tipe ini lebih suka memadupadankan t-shirt dengan jeans atau celana panjang dalam kesehariannya. Pilihan aksesoris jatuh pada aksesoris yang simpel serta fungsional dan dapat dipadukan dengan pakaian wanita lainnya. 

Mereka cenderung menghindari high heel dan oversized bags. Mereka juga lebih memilih potongan rambut yang simple juga gampang diatur.

-Wanita elegan itu klasik-
Wanita seperti ini cenderung tidak pernah mengubah cara berpakaiannya walau mode telah berganti beberapa kali. Mereka juga selalu tampil rapi karena lemari mereka dipenuhi dengan baju-baju setelan impor.

-Wanita feminim itu romantis-
Wanita ini harus selalu terlihat cantik di manapun dan kapanpun. Mereka selalu memperhatikan detil baik penampilan maupun perilaku mereka. Koleksi bajunya seperti berbagai jenis rok dan gaun, jaket, serta blouse.

-Wanita artistik itu dramatis-
Mereka mempunyai seleranya sendiri dalam berpakaian. Koleksi pakaian mereka seperti blouse longgar yang cenderung kebesaran, blus berenda ala gipsy, rok, sarung tangan, jaket tanpa pinggang, rok panjang, celana panjang polos atau bermotif Causeway.

Ternyata pakaianpun dapat juga menjelaskan kepribadian Anda. Lalu, termasuk tipe wanita yang manakah Anda?

Cara berpakaian juga tergantung dari mood si Wanita saat itu. Umumnya harus menjadi apa dan bagaimana diri seorang Wanita itu. Terkadang Wanita ingin tampil seperti orang lain yang sebetulnya tidak cocok dari cara berpakaiannya.mereka merasa risih jika berpakaian tidak sesuai karakternya.
Cara berpakaian juga harus mengetahui dimana seorang Wanita berada dan pada momen apa seharusnya berpakaian menurut kebutuhan.
Mungkin kalau Wanita tampak merasa menarik hatinya dan pikirannya mereka akan lebih banyak memakai rok.
Praktis, mudah, nyaman bagian dari cara berpakaian di zaman sekarang ini.
Bisa terlihat dari cara berpakaian Wanita, apakah pemalas, pekerja keras, perhatian, hebat ditempat tidur, pencemburu, periang, melankolis, punya bakat, tertutup.